• 偶像酒吞童子


2023, Digital





第一名: b.c.n.y.
三位号码: 三日都在B23B24

# FF41 # 酒童子
Idols arrival
2023, Digital

“How 'bout listening to mine singing, Sweetie?”

This is an illustration as the cover of my upcoming artbook “Charming Characters S.Vol.5” which published firstly in ff。

In the scene, I imagined if Shuten Douji, Ibaraki Douji, Minamoto no Raikou and Sakata Kintoki becoming a band, what they look like while performing on a stage.Initially, the color combination of Shuten Douji costume was almost pink and white, I added some purple back to it later because I thought it would represent the original vibe of Shuten Douji better.In my mind, Shuten would present another vibe when she take off her jacket, maybe I should finish the detailed design of their costumes?

About the artbook, it includes my comments and thoughts about this work, and the drawing process pictures.Welcome to take a look if you passing by my table in the convention!

FF41 Information:
Booth name: b.c.n.y.
Booth number: 3 days at B23B24
  • 295
  • 395
2023年08月14日 下午17点14分